Reasons to be (and not to be) an architect

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Top Ten Reasons to be an Architect and Top Ten Reasons NOT to be an Architect, something every student aspiring to join the architectural profession should consider. Via Life of an Architect.

1 Messages to “Reasons to be (and not to be) an architect”

  1. Anonymous Bob Borson 

    Hi Daniel,
    I thought I would come over and say hello after seeing the hit count for my site go crazy today. Thank you so posting my entries to your site; I hope your readers enjoyed them. Feel free to contact me if there is anything I can provide you in return. I am also always looking for topics to cover so I welcome any input from you or your followers.
    Also, I hope you start writing soon; I have been through most of your posts and enjoy the extremely wide variety of topics you cover.

    Bob Borson

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