AllesWirdGutt ROM
Published Thursday, January 7, 2010.
AllesWirdGut: ROM (Romersteinbruch), St. Mergareten, Eisenstadt, Austria, 2006-2008. Image credits: Hertha Hurnaus.Three years ago I featured this particular project by
AllesWirdGut here on my blog. The preliminary renders were nothing short of amazing, a staggering blend between architecture and landscape design. Now,
ArchDaily presents a wonderful set of images courtesy of
Hertha Hurnaus depicting this outdoor installation built upon the ancient roman quarry in the Austrian village of St. Mergareten.
This unusual location is used as a playground for cultural activities during the town’s yearly festival. The intervention upgraded the site by setting new accessibilities and several public installations. The natural qualities of this open-air auditorium are now enhanced with the overlaying artificial morphology designed by AWG, providing an overwhelming environment for the nighttime musical events that take place during the Summer season.
Don’t miss the
data available on AWG’s website and download the
PDF document attached as well.

AllesWirdGut: ROM (Romersteinbruch), St. Mergareten, Eisenstadt, Austria, 2006-2008. Image credits: Hertha Hurnaus.
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