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A bunch of stuff has been passing through my feed reader that I’ve been unable to process, so here’s a selection of links that you shouldn’t miss.

The photocompositions of Filip Dujardin have been receiving attention on the blogosphere for some time and have now made it to Geoff Manaugh’s BLDGBLOG. You can see a full set of images on his latest post: Resampled Space - btw, you won’t find them on the artist’s personal website. This Belgian photographer transforms images of buildings to “create new photographs of improbable, impossible or fantastical buildings”. The result is quite intriguing and exposes a certain abstract quality, a sense of depthlessness that’s evocative of certain manifestations of urban anonymity.

Outstanding professional photography by Carlos Serrão. Some amazing portraits, including a special gallery dedicated to the latest world cup featuring Portuguese superstars Luís Figo and Cristiano Ronaldo. Via Coudal Partners.

A recent interview with David Chipperfield, with an outlook on the consequences of the economic crisis on the market of iconic architecture. Via Archinect.

Fierce bicycle craziness. Architechnophilia presents a video of the Danish Pavilion for the 2010 Expo in China, project by BIG.

Spaces and Storytelling in Kubrick’s The Shinning, an in-depth interpretation of the spatial elements in Kubrick’s horror masterpiece and its psychological implications. Via Coudal Partners.

Men in black: Mirage.Studio 7 presents the architects dress code.

Vote for Obama’s dog. Via Swissmiss.

Zeroes and Ones. Lebbeus Woods talks about computation in architecture.